
Wingham Primary School

Learning together, we grow kind hearts and healthy minds

Term 3

In Year 3 this term, our young historians have delved into the fascinating world of the Anglo Saxons. Exploring their origins and migration to England, the children embarked on a creative journey by crafting playdough maps, illustrating the kingdoms established by the Anglo Saxons upon their arrival.

In Literacy, the focus has been on the epic tale of Beowulf. As a culmination of their exploration, each child crafted their own forgotten chapter of Beowulf, showcasing their imaginative prowess.

We have also explored Kennings, poetic expressions characteristic of Old English literature. They really enjoyed performing their Kennings to the class! Can you Guess Who their Kennings are based on?


Guess Who?

Monster Murderer,

Dangerous Sailor,

Wave Rider,

Sword Swinger,

Fierce Leader.


Guess Who?

Sword Swinger,

Ferocious Killer,

Lair Raider,

Skull Snapper,

Bone Breaker,

Life Saver,

Famous Hero.

In DT we have been recreating Saxon brooches. Drawing inspiration from the treasures uncovered at the Saxon burial ground in Sutton Hoo. Using seeds, lentils, string, and beads, they artfully collaged shapes onto card circles, which were then adorned with gold or silver paint and studded with jewels.

Aren’t they amazing!

It has been a term filled with exploration, creativity, and hands-on learning, and we can't wait to share more exciting adventures with you in the upcoming weeks.
