
Wingham Primary School

Learning together, we grow kind hearts and healthy minds

Term 1

This term our topic question has been ‘What makes me a toy expert?’. To help us answer this question, we visited The Beaney in Canterbury to take part in a Victorian toys and games workshop. We had the chance to play with lots of toys from the past and made our own clay marbles.

We have also continued to learn about toys during our history lessons and have made our own toy timeline to show how toys have changed from past to present.

In DT we designed our own versions of snakes and ladders and were very excited to have our significant males come into school to help us make our games! Everyone was very creative and produced excellent board games. .

In science, we have been learning about materials. We worked in groups to investigate which material would absorb the most water. We tried really hard to make our test fair by using syringes to measure out the same amount of water each time. (Science) We have also been learning about Autumn and have been on an autumn walk around the school. During forest school we used sticks to create a needle and used it to thread lots of interesting leaves onto a piece of string.

Finally, the weather has been mostly sunny and we have managed to get outside lots to practise our hockey skills. We have developed some brilliant hockey skills and are able to dribble and pass the ball to our friends.
