
Wingham Primary School

Learning together, we grow kind hearts and healthy minds

Term 1

This term we have been exploring what it would be like to live in a world of darkness? In Literacy our key text is ‘The Dark’ by Lemony Snicket. The children have been writing narratives, letters, character descriptions and non-chronological reports. The children enjoyed creating what they believed the dark could look like. This inspired them to up level their adjective choices in their writing.

In maths they have been representing, ordering and comparing numbers to 1000 using place value counters and base 10. We have been concentrating on our number bonds and exploring the patterns that they have found. Next, we have been counting in multiples of 50 and 100 and exploring greater and less with three- digit numbers. The children enjoyed using uno cards to explore this concept.

In computing the children have been developing their coding skills on scratch. During our initial lessons we explored the many different blocks and created a range of codes. Since then, we have learnt how to create loops, program a simple animation and look for bugs in codes.

In geography we started by learning about the Equator, Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere. Before learning about Svalbard in Norway. We identified the human and physical features and have started to create a holiday brochure.

In science have been learning about light we started by exploring the dark to understand it is an absence of light and how light helps us to see and understand the world around us. The children put on blindfolds and had to guess what object their partner had given them. This showed them how light enables us to see. We then explored range of sources and reflectors of light. We have used torches to create shadows and explored how they change size when the torch is moved closer and further away from the object.

In the significant male morning, the children were investigated how to create a shadow. The children looked at a range of materials and used key terminology such as transparent, translucent and opaque to find the best material to create a new logo for Batman. We thoroughly enjoyed spending time with our significant males.
