Learning together, we grow kind hearts and healthy minds
Maple class have learnt and researched about Dover castle and how it has changed since it was first built. It was originally built using wood and the children recreated this using natural materials from the field. The castle was then redeveloped using stone so the children upgraded their castle to reflect this.
In English, the children have written about the battle of Hastings from a perspective of their choice (soldier, king, animals, weapon). For the creative part of our writing journey, the children acted out the battle, thinking about how each character would be feeling. They then ‘freeze framed’ and wrote about the emotion of each character.
What an amazing experience and day. The children were absolutely fantastic! They were well behaved, danced brilliantly and sang their hearts out all day.
Maple class have been doing gymnastics and dance. In gymnastics, they have been practising movements, balances and posture and linking these in to sequences either individually or in a small group. For dance, they have been learning the Charleston! The children have been amazing with excellent footwork and hand movements.
This term, Maple class have researched the properties of different materials. They sorted and classified materials into groups depending on the best use of it and have also conducted experiments to see which materials are transparent, can conduct electricity and which have higher thermal energy.