Learning together, we grow kind hearts and healthy minds
Our topic this term is ‘What makes a hero?’ We started the topic by thinking about real life heroes and superheroes. We created our own superhero story with an evil villain! We loved the book “Supertato” and had a fabulous workshop where we got to make our own potato superhero! We explored the use of adjectives and adverbs and used these when writing our own story about vegetable superheroes!
We were lucky to have a few visitors come and visit us and tell us about their jobs.
We had two Community Police Officers come and visit us to share what they do. The class learnt all about what they wear and their roles within our community and the wider community. The Police are clearly heroes to us!
Mrs Raynor and Ian came in from the Fire brigade and bought in a fire engine. The class had so many questions and the highlight was being able to turn on and off the hose pipes and spray water high in the air.
We also had an amazing visit from Doctor Cartledge who talked to the class about her role as a real life hero and bought in lots of his equipment for the class to look at and try out!
In maths we have worked on multiplication and division and are finishing off the term learning about mass, temperature and capacity. We have loved the practical side of this unit of learning.
Even though the weather has not always been great, we managed to get into the Forest School area. We have had great making our own superheroes using natural materials. We also measured sticks and put them in height order.
In history we have learnt about Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale. We made lamps linked to Florence being called the lady with the lamp.
In PE we have had two coaches teach us tennis and we have had an amazing time. Tennis has become a very popular sport in our class.
In art we have been learning about pop art and the artist Roy Lichtenstein. We explored primary colours and we then created our own pop art images using collage. We are really proud of the work we have made.
This term we have taken part in some fabulous days. On Science day we went to three workshops and learnt all about time and our favourite thing was stretching a curly wurly. We also took part in World book day and had a fabulous workshop from Anthony Browne. We also enjoyed having a significant female visit us and we wrote comic strips together.
We have also been learning British Sign Language and are so proud of all we have learnt.
As you can see it has been a very busy term! Happy Easter everyone.