
Wingham Primary School

Learning together, we grow kind hearts and healthy minds

Term 3

This term we have been working within the theme of ‘Are all stories true?’ We started by looking at a book all about King Charles III and learnt lots about him and his mum Queen Elizabeth II. We are trying to find out if all or some stories are true, some partly true and some that couldn’t possibly be true. This theme will run through this term and Term 4.

We visited a real life castle- Leeds castle to compare and contrast it with homes now and decided we would much rather live in our warm comfortable homes now!

On our return we planned and created our own castle role play area which has helped us develop imaginative storylines using traditional story language such as ‘once upon a time….’ And expand our vocabulary as well as developing communication and language skills.

In maths we have been deepening our understanding of mathematical patterns within numbers up to 8 as well as measuring in different contexts. We discovered you need to measure correctly when cooking and following a recipe and created our own Gingerbread Men.

In our Understanding of the World sessions we even tried to find a solution to save the Gingerbread Man from the fox, asking why he couldn’t swim across the river alone and focusing on ways to try and help him cross the river independently.

We have learnt about story mapping and how it helps us to retell stories from memory. We built physical story maps and then all told our own versions of the story and performed it in front of the whole class in small groups

We have been busy developing our literacy skills and writing for a number of purposes including creating recipes for Gingerbread Men, recording our favourite part of the school trip and as part of our focus on Global Citizenship we completed some fantastic writing about one of our special friends.

As part of this week we were lucky that Mrs Craycraft could come in and talk about her Spanish heritage, what it is like to live in Spain and how it is similar and different to our own country. She even made some special celebration cake for us to try!

As part of our weeks focus on Global citizenship we also read 'Wake Up World' by Beatrice Hollyer that explores the lives of eight children from different countries. We discovered that breakfast was very different around the world and decided we would create an ‘Around the World’ breakfast to highlight all we had been learning in the week. It was an amazing morning and such a brilliant way to conclude our Global Citizenship week!

We have been learning about the Spring Lunar New Year Festival and discovered why all the years are named after animals. We even found out what year we were born within, created lots of different things including a Chinese dragon, lantern, banners. We tried using chopsticks which is very tricky and did a traditional Chinese peacock and dragon dance. In computing we even created our Hong Bao (lucky packets) We even had a visit form Penny’s mummy who lived in China and came in to talk about life in China.
