
Wingham Primary School

Learning together, we grow kind hearts and healthy minds

Term 2

Year 6 had great fun over 2 days this term learning how to survive in the wilderness. 'Survival Steve' visited us on both these days- teaching us how to build fires, and fillet and cook fish, amongst many other useful survival tips. On day 2, we visited Wingham Woods and managed to create awesome shelters that could fit 8 or 9 children in! Sycamore Class excelled over these two exciting and informative days.

In Science this Term, we continued to learn about ‘Light’. The children in Year 6 took part in lots of different, interesting investigations: learning about refraction of light and how white light is made up of a spectrum of colours. Well done Sycamore Class.

As part of our computing topic of ‘Bletchley Park’ the children in Year 6 have been researching and presenting their findings on computing heroes of the 20th and 21st centuries. The presentations were very interesting and informative. Great work Sycamore Class.

Sycamore Class have again surpassed all expectations and produced some remarkable and amazing creations-that exemplify their learning over the last two terms. It is an absolute delight listening to their ideas and watching their creations take shape throughout the day. Our Flourish days really illustrate how much the children have learned over the last few terms. Awesome work Year 6!
