
Wingham Primary School

Learning together, we grow kind hearts and healthy minds

Term 6

In English this term, the children have written in a variety of roles and genres including write Haikus, writing a play script for a documentary and creating their own comics. They have shown off some amazing writing skills and thought carefully about the language that they are using to engage the reader. Their artwork for their comic front covers was awesome!

It has been a busy term for topic lessons. They have continued learning about how the Romans affected Britain and used this knowledge to create and act out a documentary. Maple class also designed and built aqueducts using a variety of materials and skills. They also learnt about different types of natural disaster and looked more in-depth into volcanoes. They were given the choice of how to create a present the features of a volcano with some children choosing to draw, some using recycled materials and some using natural resources such as pine cones.

What a lovely day! The weather was kind and the children had a brilliant time competing and supporting one another. Congratulations to Becket house who won the overall competition.

Maple class took part in lots of sporting activities during this week including skateboarding, boxing, Kurling, Frisbee and bounce. The children had a really fun time with lots of new skills being learnt.
