Learning together, we grow kind hearts and healthy minds
Wow, term 4 has been so busy! Not only have we finished learning about pirates, we have also had world book day, significant female morning and science afternoon. We absolutely loved coming to school dressed as our favourite book characters and enjoyed a special session with author Anthony Browne.
We also enjoyed moving to different classrooms to take part in science activities. We investigated which biscuit was best for dunking, how far a curly wurly could be stretched and made our own sun dials.
It was also very special having our significant females joining us in school to help us build our pirate ships. Once we had created our ships, we tested them to see if they floated. All of the ships were very impressive!
As part of our topic ‘Is a pirate’s life for me?’, we had a wonderful visit from Captain Raggybeard. Captain Raggybeard told us many pirate stories, made us walk the plank and gave us a precious mermaid’s tear to take home with us. The afternoon was thoroughly enjoyed by all of the Holly Class pirates!
In maths we have been learning about place value to 50 and have also been measuring mass and capacity. We have been using the balance scales to find the mass of different objects around the classroom and have enjoyed water play when finding the volume and capacity of different containers.