Learning together, we grow kind hearts and healthy minds
Wow, what a great start to the year we have had in Year 4! This term we have been exploring how transport has changed the world by learning all about the development of the railways. We have been exploring how transport has changed our lives, looking at differences between the past and present day.
In literacy we have been doing lots of amazing writing inspired by the book ‘The Railway Children’. We have written character and setting descriptions, our own stories about bravery, a diary entry, letter and our very own poems inspired by ‘From a Railway Carriage’ by Robert Louis Stevenson.
In maths, we have been building on our prior knowledge of place value, addition and subtraction through a variety of physical and pictorial representations such as place value counter, dienes and number lines. More recently, we have moved onto using our column methods to add and subtract three-and-four-digit numbers with more than one exchange and solve word problems.
In PE the children have developed their techniques in order to create longer dance sequences inspired by our transport topic.
On Significant Male into School Day, we welcomed significant male figures from our lives and, using junk modelling, designed and created famous forms of transport.
We were also very lucky to take a trip on the Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Railway and to the East Kent Ploughing Match. Lots of fun enjoyed by all the children.
Art has seen us inspired by Claude Monet and J.M.W Turner. Here are just some of the many amazing pieces of art we have created
Finally, in RE we have been learning all about the special relationship Jews have with God. The children made links between the stories of Abraham and Moses and the Jewish belief that they are in a special relationship with God. We even had a go at making our own Torah’s writing in Hebrew.
Finally, towards the end of term, for science, we were visited by the rocket man and his star ship! We got to make our own rockets and even tried to send them up into space.