
Wingham Primary School

Learning together, we grow kind hearts and healthy minds

Term 2

What a busy term we have had!  We have continued learning all about dinosaurs and thinking about our topic question ‘Could a dinosaur live in Wingham?’  We went for a great walk around the village to see if there was food, space and opportunities for a dinosaur to live in Wingham. We decided that a small herbivore could potentially live here.

In English we looked at the book ‘Katie and the Dinosaurs’ and we wrote some amazing stories based on the book.  We also researched all about dinosaurs and looked at all the features of non-fiction texts.  We made our own fact books about dinosaurs.

In maths we finished our work on addition and subtraction and we have also been looking at shapes and we looked around the school to see how many 3D shapes we could find.

In science we finished our learning about animals including humans and learnt about the different food groups and what foods would make a healthy meal.

During Cultural Diversity week we learnt about the different cultures in our school and class.  We learnt all about Turkey and we learnt about the Catholic culture and also about Nigeria in Africa. As a class we learnt about Trish Cooke and enjoyed one of her books called “How Anansi got his stories”.  We created some amazing art work from her book. 

We continue to love our outdoor learning and we have made dinosaur skeletons from sticks, and dinosaurs using any resources we could find.  We have explored natural materials and observed how the trees and bushes have changed during Autumn.

In art we have been looking at Charles Knight who was a paleo-artist and we have sketched dinosaurs and then painted them in water colours.  In DT we researched and designed dinosaur puppets.  It was really wonderful to have our adults come in and help us sew them.  We have also made some lovely Winter scenes using collage and paint.

The last few weeks we have been busy practicing and performing our Christmas Nativity, “Baubles” and it was great to see so many parents come and watch.
